Find work and advice for the recognition of homeland certificates and cash benefits.
The “Jobcenter”, the “Integration Point” and the “Agentur für Arbeit” are all united here.
Everything here is about finding work, unemployment benefits, recognizing homeland certificates and so on.
Work is a big topic for many. Unfortunately that is not as easy as many believe.
For this reason, there is the “Integration Point” directly above the immigration office as the first point of contact. They mediate and pay only after the asylum procedure was completed, the “integration course”, which some call a language course.
This is unfavorable, but unfortunately not to change.
Here it is not like in the home country, you go to a craftsman and help him a certain amount of time, then you can do the job yourself. This does not work in Germany, although many do not want to believe that and hope that it will be different.
The rule in Germany is that you first attend school, compulsory education in Germany is 12 years! There one makes a good graduation. With this you apply in writing for an apprenticeship. Depending on the profession, the training lasts between 2 and 3 years. This training should also end with a good report. With this good education certificate and the good school report you are now applying in writing as an employee of a company.
If you do not have a certificate of education or have any documents from your home country that can be recognized, you will be considered an unskilled worker and will always receive an extremely low salary and stay on the same level. Working up is only possible in very rare exceptional cases.
Therefore, the strategy we recommend is clear, learning German first. No matter how, no matter what it takes on efforts, who waits for the integration course, or takes on an unskilled job, has already lost.
Why? In the asylum procedure you have a permission to stay, so you can do an apprenticeship if you have German B2 or start a job without being able to speak German. Currently the Aldi Warehouse is quite popular. If the asylum is decided negatively on the first application, you get a toleration, which means that you can no longer work. But if you have an education, you can continue. It is true that if there is a chance that the asylum seeker will be educated, he or she can go on with these three years and receive another two extra years to deepen their knowledge. This also applies if the asylum procedure is decided negatively in all courts! Bad luck for those who chose work, which have probably been deported until then.
Integration Point
Björn Klemaschewski
Bahnhofstraße 25
33102 Paderborn
Phone: 05251 120 335
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday 08:00 – 12:00
Integration Point
Bahnhofstraße 25
33102 Paderborn
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 08:00 – 12:30
Tuesday and Thursday 13:30 – 15:30
Team Unterhalt
Bahnhofstraße 23a
33102 Paderborn
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 08:00 – 12:30
Tuesday and Thursday 13:30 – 15:30
Arbeitsvermittlung / Fallmanagement
Team Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene
Bahnhofstraße 26
33102 Paderborn
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 08:00 – 12:30
Tuesday and Thursday 13:30 – 15:30
Jobcenter Paderborn
Arbeitsvermittlung / Fallmanagement – Team Erwachsene
Rathenaustraße 28-30
33102 Paderborn
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 08:00 – 12:30
Tuesday and Thursday 13:30 – 15:30